Monday 6 May 2024

“Free Bogdan Syrotiuk, Ukrainian socialist and opponent of NATO’s proxy war!”

I hereby demand the release of Ukrainian Socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk. His only crime was to demand the end to NATO’s proxy war against Russia. The international working class must reject the fraudulent charges that Bogdan is serving the interests of Russia.

I urge all readers of this website to take immediate action by signing the online petition and joining the campaign to make the case of Bogdan Syrotiuk known at workplaces, schools, neighborhoods throughout the working class in every country. Share the campaign with your friends on social media and use the hashtag: #FreeBogdan.


Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power Timothy W. Ryback. Knopf, $32 (400p) ISBN 978-0-593-53742-8

Historian Timothy W Ryback (Hitler’s First Victims) presents a well-written and mainly narrative account of Hitler’s rise to power. The book has generally been well received, although most of the praise for the book has been somewhat shallow and wide of the mark. A deeper, more objective account from the Marxist movement on the rise of Hitlerite Fascism is needed.[1]

One example of this superficial tone is provided by arch-right-winger Timothy Synder, who commented, “How does a flawed republic become something entirely different? We know how the Nazi regime ended, but we think too little about how it began. This admirable account shows us how fragile and avoidable those beginnings were and helps us to reflect upon them”.

One undoubted strength of the book is that it destroys the myth that Hitler came to power through democratic means. Ryback presents a detailed examination of the 1932 events that led Hitler to power. Hitler came to power despite the Nazi's vote declining and the party being in disarray and heavy financial trouble. The party was running out of cash. Ryback writes, “In Berlin, 10,000 out of the city’s 16,000 stormtroopers mutinied over shortage of funds. Three Hitler Youth leaders in Halle had their homes vandalised, not by Social Democrats or Communists but by their members. A dispute over loyalty oaths in a Munich café led to a melee with broken table legs.”

In the parliamentary elections of June 1932, Hitler’s party polled 13.5 million votes, over 37 per cent of the total. But in November of the same year, its vote fell to 11.7 million, 33 per cent. Ryback believes this caused a deep crisis for the Nazis. Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels said of the election debacle, “ Every update is another defeat. It’s a disaster.” The electoral defeat led Gregor Strasser, a leading member of the Nazi party, to resign, citing Hitler’s inability to enter into a coalition with other right-wing forces. Gottfried Feder also resigned. Feder developed the reactionary theory of “Jewish finance capitalism”.

Despite having the word National socialist in their title, the Nazis were nothing of the sort. Ryback shows they needed a significant group of businessmen and generals to give Hitler power. Most of Germany’s Prominent elite businessmen, including General Kurt von Schleicher,[2] were involved in handing power to Hitler. Schleicher called Hitler a “modest, orderly man who only wants what is best”.

The right-wing media owner Alfred Hugenberg[3] also sought to bring the Nazis to power. Hugenberg had a huge media empire. He was also the head of a right-wing party. His Telegraph Union network published 1,600 newspapers. Once, Hugenberg stupidly remarked, “If Hitler sits in the saddle, I will have the whip.”

Ryback’s book joins a growing genre that highlights the relationship between the Nazis and big business. Nazi Billionaires by David De Jong, The Unfathomable Ascent by Peter Ross Range, and  Adam Tooze, The Wages of Destruction, to name just a few excellent books on the subject. Not all historians share this belief in the connection between big business and Fascism. In his book German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler, the American historian Henry Ashby Turner goes to considerable lengths to demonstrate that finance from big business was not decisive in the rise and growth of the Nazi Party.

Historian Daniel Goldhagen goes even further than Turner, writing, “The Nazi German revolution was an unusual revolution in that, domestically, it was being realised—the repression of the political left in the first few years notwithstanding—without massive coercion and violence. By and large, it was a peaceful revolution willingly acquiesced to by the German people. Domestically, the Nazi German revolution was, on the whole, consensual. [4]

Marxist writer David North replied, “Until I read those words, I had been inclined to look upon Goldhagen as a rather sad and somewhat pathetic figure, a young man whose study of the fate of European Jewry had left him intellectually, if not emotionally, traumatised. But in this paragraph, something very ugly emerges. Except for its treatment of the Jews, the Nazi “revolution”—Goldhagen does not use the word “counterrevolution”—was a rather benign affair. His reference to the “repression of the political left” is inserted between hyphens, suggesting it was not too big a deal.

The claim that the Nazi conquest of power was “a peaceful revolution willingly acquiesced to by the German people” is a despicable falsification. What Goldhagen refers to as the “repression of the political left” consisted, in fact, of the physical destruction of mass socialist parties that represented the hopes and aspirations of millions of workers and the best elements of the German intelligentsia for a just and decent world. German socialism was not only a political movement: it was, for all its internal contradictions, both the inspirer and expression of a flowering of human intellect and culture. Its destruction required the barbaric methods in which the Nazis excelled. The burning of books, the flight of scientists, artists and writers from Germany, the establishment of the Dachau concentration camp and the incarceration of thousands of left-wing political opponents, the illegalisation of all political parties other than the National Socialists, the liquidation of the trade unions—these were, in the first months of the Nazi regime, the principal achievements of its “peaceful revolution.”[5]

Although big business was mistaken in its belief that it could control Hitler, it saw the Nazis as a potent force in which to smash the workers movement. Other businessmen soon followed suit, such as steel manufacturer Fritz Thyssen, who significantly funded the Nazis and encouraged their rule.

These businessmen knew exactly what they were doing and what Hitler would do. Hitler gave them the green light to carry out a long-standing aim of wiping the worker's movement off the face of the earth and carrying out the wholesale murder of its leaders and cadre. The culmination of this plan was the industrialised state murder of 6 million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Roma people.

Like many other books on this subject, the central weakness of Ryback’s book is his deliberate disinterest in examining objectively and deeply the state of class relationships that preceded Hitler’s rise to power. Although Fascist rule was an opportunity for big business, smashing the working class was also an incredible gamble. As the Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky wrote, “The big bourgeoisie likes fascism as little as a man with aching molars likes to have his teeth pulled.”[6]

The betrayal by Stalinism And Social democracy made destroying the worker's movement a certainty. Again, Ryback has an almost pathological disinterest in examining the betrayal of the worker's movement by Social democracy and Stalinism, which allowed Hitler to come to power without a shot being fired. This betrayal is all the more galling since, as Ryback correctly states, the Communist Party and the Social Democrats both had armed militia that not only outnumbered the German army but had more than adequate access to arms to smash the Fascists. From a political standpoint, the most pressing need was to act on Leon Trotsky’s call for a united Front.

He wrote, “The trouble is that in the Central Committee of the Communist Party there are many frightened opportunists. They have heard that opportunism consists of a love for blocs, and that is why they are against blocs. They do not understand the difference between, let us say, a parliamentary agreement and an ever-so-modest agreement for struggle in a strike or defence of workers’ printshops against fascist bands. Election agreements and parliamentary compromises concluded between the revolutionary party and the Social Democracy serve, as a rule, to the advantage of the Social Democracy. Practical agreements for mass action, for purposes of struggle, are always useful to the revolutionary party. The Anglo-Russian Committee was an impermissible bloc of two leaderships on one common political platform, vague, deceptive, binding no one to any action. The maintenance of this bloc at the time of the British General Strike, when the General Council assumed the role of strikebreaker, signified, on the part of the Stalinists, a policy of betrayal.

No common platform with the Social Democracy or with the leaders of the German trade unions, no common publications, banners, or placards! March separately, but strike together! Agree only on how to strike, whom to strike, and when to strike! Such an agreement can be concluded even with the devil himself, his grandmother, and Noske and Grezesinsky.  On one condition, not to bind one’s hands. It is necessary, without any delay, finally to elaborate a practical system of measures – not with the aim of merely “exposing” the Social Democracy (before the Communists), but with the aim of actual struggle against Fascism. The question of factory defence organisations, of unhampered activity on the part of the factory councils, the inviolability of the workers’ organisations and institutions, the question of arsenals that may be seized by the fascists, the question of measures in the case of an emergency, that is, of the coordination of the actions of the Communist and the Social Democratic divisions in the struggle, etc., etc., must be dealt with in this program.

A practical program of agreements with the Social Democratic workers was proposed by us as far back as September 1930 (The Turn in the Comintern and the German Situation), that is, a year and a quarter ago. What has the leadership undertaken in this direction? Next to nothing. The Central Committee of the Communist Party has taken up everything except its direct task. How much valuable, irretrievable time has been lost! Not much time is left. The program of action must be strictly practical, objective, to the point, without any of those artificial “claims,” without any reservations, so that every average Social Democratic worker can say to himself. What the Communists propose is completely indispensable for the struggle against Fascism. On this basis, we must pull the Social Democratic workers along with us by our example and criticise their leaders who will inevitably serve as a check and a brake. Only in this way is victory possible.”[7]

Ryback’s response in the book to the call for a united front exposes his class outlook and his hostility to a Marxist historical perspective. He mentions Clara Zetkin's speech in which she calls for forming a united front. Ryback rudely describes her 1932 speech as a “tedious polemic.” Other historians have echoed Ryback’s hostility to a Marxist understanding of the rise of Fascism over the last few decades.

As the Marxist writer Nick Beams reflects in his article Imperialism and the Political Economy of the Holocaust, “ When I was a student in the 1960s, it was widely understood that the coming to power of fascist regimes was a direct response by the capitalist class to the dangers posed by the mass socialist workers’ movement, the most powerful of which had existed in Germany. During the past 25 years, this understanding has come under sustained attack.

He continues: An article published at the end of 2005 by the British historian Michael Burleigh in the right-wing Weekly Standard noted: “When I started teaching the history of modern Germany 20 years ago, it was still obligatory to devote considerable attention to Marxisant attempts to pin the blame for Fascism on this or that element of big business. Much of the literature was by scholars of a leftist disposition, while classes on Fascism tended to attract a disproportionate number of students from the radical fringes. Things have moved on since then; it is more common nowadays to discuss Nazism as a species of a ‘racial state’, or even of being a surrogate religion…”[8]

In his book The Third Reich: A New History, published in 2001, Burleigh claimed that the “school of wishful thinking about the relationship between capitalism and fascism” had been comprehensively demolished by Turner. According to Burleigh, Nazism was a kind of “political religion”, and its rise to power and the crimes it committed could not be connected to capitalism. But the question of the relationship between the Nazi movement and big business is far from exhausted simply by the level of funding. The Marxist movement has never maintained that behind the Nazi Party, there was some kind of secret cabal of big business leaders pulling the strings. That does not mean, however, that the conceptions and ideology of the Nazi movement were unrelated to the deepest needs and interests of big business.”[9]

Ryback’s book is not without merit and should garner a wide readership. However, like most new books on this subject, it is missing one vital ingredient: an in-depth look at the huge betrayal of the worker's movement by Stalinism and Social Democracy. The Marxist movement must carry out this task. If the editors of Mehring Books are reading this article, then it is down to you to correct the historical record with a new publication.


1.    On Hitler's Mein Kampf-The Poetics of National Socialism-By Albrecht Koschorke

Translated by Erik Butler

2.    Why Are They Back- Christoph Vandreier- Mehring Books-2019

3.    The Myth of “Ordinary Germans”: A Review of Daniel Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners-

4.    Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust Paperback – Illustrated, 1 Feb. 1997

[1] Why Are They Back- Christoph Vandreier- Mehring Books-2019



[4] Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust Paperback – Illustrated, 1 Feb. 1997

[5] The Myth of “Ordinary Germans”: A Review of Daniel Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners-

[6] Bourgeoisie, Petty Bourgeoisie-and Proletariat-Jacobinism, Social Democracy and Fascism – The Political Programs of the Petty Bourgeoisie-(August 1932)

[7] For a Workers’ United Front-Against Fascism-(December 1931)-

[8] Michael Burleigh, Weekly Standard, December 26, 2005.

[9] Imperialism and the Political Economy of the

Sunday 28 April 2024

Book review: Sir Thomas Browne: The Opium of Time-Gavin Francis, Oxford University Press, 2023 ISBN 9780192858177

“His whole house and garden is a paradise and Cabinet of rarities and that of the best collection, amongst Medails, books, Plants, natural things”.

John Evelyn, 'The Diary of John Evelyn' (1671)

‘Few people love the writings of Sir Thomas Browne, but those who do are a very good person.

Virginia Woolf

Gavin Francis's new biography of the polymath is a refreshingly different biography. His latest account of the life and works of Sir Thomas Browne, the 17th-century English polymath. Browne had an infectious curiosity for the world around him. The author, Gavin Francis, who is GP, and author shares that curiosity and has written a biography from a personal standpoint rather than an objective one. This slim volume, which runs to only 133 pages, is part of a series of biographies whose authors, like Francis, have a personal attachment to their subject matter. They tell much about themselves as they do the person they are writing about. Francis is not the only writer to be enamoured by Browne. He influenced many writers, such as Samuel Johnson, WG Sebald, Jorge Luis Borges, Joseph Conrad, and EM Forster.

Education was important to Browne. In 1623, Browne went to Oxford University. He graduated from Pembroke College, Oxford. He studied medicine at some of Europe’s finest institutions Padua and Montpellier universities, completing his studies at Leiden. Second, only Shakespeare introduced over 700 new words into English, such as electricity,’ medical’, ‘anomalous’ and ‘coma’.Browne went on to be a pivotal figure in the development of modern science. Some put him on par with the great Francis Bacon. Browne’s problem was that he struggled to maintain a scientific understanding of the world around him while maintaining orthodox Christian beliefs.

Browne lived in an age when religious belief started to be undermined by the growth of scientific knowledge of the world. David North writes, “Religion began to encounter the type of disrespect it deserved, and the gradual decline of its authority introduced a new optimism. All human misery, the Bible had taught for centuries, was the inescapable product of the Fall of Man. However, the invigorating scepticism encouraged by science in the absolute validity of the Book of Genesis led people to wonder whether a man couldn't change the conditions of his existence and enjoy a better world.

He continues, “Until the early seventeenth century, even educated people still generally accepted that the ultimate answers to all the mysteries of the universe and the problems of life were to be found in the Old Testament. But its unchallengeable authority had been slowly eroding, especially since the publication of Copernicus’s De Revolutionibus in the year of his death in 1543, which dealt a death blow to the Ptolemaic conception of the universe and provided the essential point of departure for the future conquests of Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), Johann Kepler (1571-1630) and, of course, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Intellectually, if not yet socially, the liberation of man from the fetters of Medieval superstition and the political structures that rested upon it was well underway.”[1]

Browne was not the only genius around at the time. Amazingly, Browne never met Sir Isaac Newton(1642-1727), Who, like Browne, by no means sought to undermine the authority of God, but as North points out, Newton “ demonstrated that the Almighty could not have accomplished his aims without the aid of extraordinarily complex mathematics. Moreover, the phenomena of Nature were not inscrutable but operated according to laws accessible to the human mind. The key to an understanding of the universe was to be found not in the Book of Genesis but in the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. The impact of Newton’s work on intellectual life was captured in the ironic epigram of Alexander Pope: “Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night, / God said ‘Let Newton be!’ and all was light.”

Francis’s slim book is a fascinating and partisan introduction to the life of Sir Thomas Browne. It deserves a wide readership and hopefully re-establishes Browne’s reputation as one of the major thinkers of the 17th century. His thinking and writing still resonate in today’s world. If Browne were transported from his century into ours, it would not take him long to accommodate himself. Whether he would like what he saw is another matter.









[1]Equality, the Rights of Man and the Birth of Socialism-


Problems with the historiography of the Virginia colony and company 1607-1624 -Christopher Thompson

 I began my serious historical research many years ago by investigating the involvement of the Rich family, i.e. of the 2nd Earl of Warwick and his second cousin, Sir Nathaniel Rich, in the affairs of the Virginia Company of London. This entailed detailed work on the Records of the Virginia Company edited by Susan Myra Kingsbury between 1906 and the mid-1930s and contact with the studies of Wesley Frank Craven and that of Theodore Rabb which was then in progress on the career of Sir Edwin Sandys. I have maintained a watching brief on more recent historiography and have written quite a few small-scale pieces over the years on the subject. One of the features of earlier and later historiography on the subject which was and still is a surprise to me is the credence given to the claims of Sir Edwin Sandys and the two Ferrar brothers, John and Nicholas, about the struggle for control of the Virginia Company and over its eventual dissolution. Sandys and his allies usually appear as admirable figures brought down by the Indian massacre of the English colonists and by the machinations of their opponents in the Virginia and Bermuda companies.

This view, which still features in very recent works, is, I am afraid, profoundly mistaken. Sandys was a grossly incompetent manager of the companies' affairs as Rabb and, more recently, Michael Jarvis recognised. The records, moreover, on which this erroneous assessment rests are highly selective and inadequately edited. It is a grave mistake to take the opinions of Sandys, the Ferrars and their allies about their own virtues and their critics' malevolence at face value. The problem for Sandys and their supporters in the final analysis was that their correspondence with the colonists in Virginia fell into their opponents' hands and revealed the desperate state of the colony and their mendacity. The history of Virginia requires a wholly new approach, one free from the misconceptions that still dog its representation.

Monday 15 April 2024

The Russian Revolution: A New History By Sean McMeekin Basic Books. $30. Illustrated. 445 pp.

It is usually the case that you cannot tell a book by its cover. What is written on the back is a different matter. Whoever is enlisted to praise a book gives you a good idea about the author's politics. McMeekin’s book is no different. The fact that the publisher asks two of the most right-wing historians known to mankind in the form of Niall Ferguson and Simon Sebag Montefiore tells the reader a lot. The book is also praised by the right-wing Tory MP Michael Gove, who wrote in his review for the London Times, "The Russian Revolution was the most successful criminal conspiracy in history. The takeover of an entire nation by a shameless huckster supported by a hostile foreign power. And the revolution was also an object lesson in how liberals can lose, and lose catastrophically, from a position of great advantage, if they are divided in the face of a ruthlessly ideological foe."[1]

Although Ferguson, Sebag Montefiore and Tory MP Michael Gove all share McMeekinn’s right-wing political and historical outlook, they are not responsible for this hack work, which contains falsifications and slanders from the first page to the last.

Let us start at the beginning. In chapter one, Mcmeekin makes the stupid and wrong assertion that the split in the RSDLP in 1903 was over the so-called “Jewish Question”. He writes “ Contrary to the common belief, expounded in most history books, that the famous Bolshevik-Menshevik split of July 1903 occurred because Lenin’s advocacy of a professional cadre of elites (sometimes called vanguardism), outlined in his 1902 pamphlet What Is To Be Done?, was opposed by Mensheviks who wanted mass worker participation in the party, the real fireworks at the Brussels Congress surrounded the Jewish question. Party organisation was not even discussed until the fourteenth plenary session. Lenin’s main goal in Brussels was to defeat the Bund—that is, Jewish—autonomy inside the party. His winning argument was that Jews were not really a nation, as they shared neither a common language nor a common national territory. Martov, the founder of the Bund, took great umbrage at this, and walked out to form the new Menshevik (minority) faction. He was followed by nearly all Jewish socialists, including, notably, Lev Bronstein (Trotsky), a young intellectual from Kherson, in southern Ukraine, who had studied at a German school in cosmopolitan Odessa, which helped prime him for the appeal of European Marxism. With Lenin all but mirroring the arguments of Russian anti-Semites, it is not hard to see why Martov, Trotsky, and other Jews joined the opposition.”[2]

The Marxist writer David North answers this foul slander in his two-part review of McMeekin’s book.[3] He writes, “The problem with this account is that it is completely false, both in terms of facts and political interpretation. Putting aside his incorrect dating of the split (it occurred in August, not July), McMeekin concocts, with the intention of slandering Lenin as an anti-Semite, an account of the break between Mensheviks and Bolsheviks that has nothing to do with historical and political reality. The RSDLP did not split over the issue of the Jewish Bund. Far from being the “founder” of the Bund, let alone walking out of the Congress to protest Lenin’s opposition to the Bund’s autonomy within the party, Martov wrote the RSDLP resolution that provoked the Bund’s walkout. Martov’s opposition to Jewish autonomy within the Revolutionary Workers’ Party was far more strident than Lenin’s. As the late Leopold Haimson, the leading authority on the history of Menshevism, wrote in his important scholarly work The Russian Marxists and the Origins of Bolshevism, “Martov clashed violently with the Bund representatives when this issue arose at the Second Party Congress. There was greater acerbity in his polemical tone during these discussions than that of any other members of his camp.” [3] As for McMeekin’s claim that Trotsky also walked out of the 1903 Congress in support of the Bund’s demand for autonomy, this is another incredible display of ignorance. Trotsky was an uncompromising opponent of the Bund, and the transcript of the debates (available in English) show that Trotsky intervened repeatedly in support of Martov’s resolution.”[4]

There is nothing new in McMeekin’s book that has not already been vomited by other right-wing historians such as Richard Pipes et al. McMeekin’s main argument is that the revolution took place merely by chance and fell into the Bolshevik's laps again by chance. Pipes, like McMeekin, rejects the view that the revolution was the result “of social movements from below”; instead, Pipes and others often characterise the revolution as a mere putsch or coup by “identifiable men pursuing their advantages.”

The book is a complete rewrite of an entire revolutionary epoch. McMeekin writes, “The salient fact about Russia in 1917 is that it was a country at war. Knowing how the story of the czars turns out, many historians have suggested that the Russian colossus must always have had feet of clay. But surely, this is hindsight. Despite growing pains, uneven economic development and stirrings of revolutionary fervour, imperial Russia in 1900 was a going concern, its size and power a source of pride to most if not all of the czar’s subjects.”

So, what is the driving force behind McMeekin’s revisionism and his rejection of any Marxist or liberal historiography? In his book, he does not mention important historians such as E H Carr or Alexander Rabinowitch.

The answer is to be found in ideology, not history. McMeekin is rapid in his hatred of socialism. He warns his readers of what he calls a resurgence of Marxist-style philosophy, warning readers to be wary of “openly avowed socialists” like Bernie Sanders, who, in reality, has nothing to do with socialism.

North asks, “Why did he write the book? Aside from the lure of easy money (anti-communist works are usually launched with substantial publicity and guaranteed positive reviews in the New York Times and many other publications), McMeekin has a political motive. At the start of this year, the World Socialist Web Site wrote: “A spectre is haunting world capitalism: the spectre of the Russian Revolution.” McMeekin is among the haunted. He writes in the book’s epilogue, “The Specter of Communism,” that capitalism is threatened by growing popular discontent, and the appeal of Bolshevism is again on the rise. “Like the nuclear weapons born of the ideological age inaugurated in 1917, the sad fact about Leninism is that once invented, it cannot be uninvented. Social inequality will always be with us, along with the well-intentioned impulse of socialists to eradicate it.” Therefore, “the Leninist inclination is always lurking among the ambitious and ruthless, especially in desperate times of depression or war that seem to call for more radical solutions.” McMeekin continues: “If the last hundred years teach us anything, we should stiffen our defences and resist armed prophets promising social perfection.”

While it is not in the realm of possibility to cover every lie, falsification and slander contained in the book, it would be remiss of me not to refute the old slander that is rehashed in the book that Vladimir Lenin was a German agent. Again, I will quote David North not because I am a bit lazy but, to put it bluntly, he is at the moment the greatest authority in the world on the Russian Revolution. He writes, “ There is not a single serious historian who has treated the allegations against Lenin as anything other than a slander. From the moment of Lenin’s return to Russia via Germany aboard the “sealed train,” the anti-revolutionary right attempted to portray the Bolshevik leader as an agent of the Kaiser. In the initial months of the revolution, this libel gained no support outside liberal and fascistic circles. It was well understood that the possibility of a speedy return by a man widely recognised by the Russian workers as one of their most courageous and brilliant leaders required that he find the fastest route to revolutionary Petrograd. One month later, Martov, after much dithering, also used the German route.

Moreover, Trotsky’s experience in March–April 1917 further validated Lenin’s decision. Trotsky, travelling across the Atlantic from New York City, was forcibly removed from his ship off the coast of Halifax by British authorities. Attempting to prevent the return of the much-feared revolutionary to Russia, who many believed to be “worse than Lenin,” the British interned Trotsky in a prisoner-of-war camp for one month. In the face of protests by the Petrograd Soviet and the Provisional Government’s reluctant demand that he be released, Trotsky was finally allowed to continue his journey back to Russia. He arrived one month later than Lenin.”.

Normally, even the worst history books have a few pearls of wisdom and some redeeming features. This has none. It is kind to call it revisionist history, but in reality, McMeekin has vomited up every single falsification, slander and outright lie printed on the Russian Revolution and then some. As North correctly writes, “Sean McMeekin stands exposed as a falsifier of history.”



[1] Gove, Michael (3 June 2017). "The Russian Revolution: A New History by Sean McMeekin". The Times.

[2] THE Russian revolution: A New History By Sean McMeekin

Basic Books. $30. Illustrated. p22/23

[3] Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders-

[4]   Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders-

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Interview with David Unger- Author of Jose Feeds the World

Q.How did you get involved in the project of José Feeds the World?

A. I’ve been friends with Mauricio Velázquez, the publisher of Duopress, for over 20 years. Mauricio is a Mexican national who has been living in the U.S. for maybe 25 years and worked previously as an editor for Rosen Publishers. In the fall of 2022, knowing of my previous children’s books, he asked me if I would be interested in writing a non-fiction book about Chef José Andrés. Since I was familiar with the chef and the amazing work of his World Central Kitchen, I jumped at the chance. Mauricio offered valuable editorial comments, but basically he allowed me to craft my own book. It has been an amazing experience.

Q. How different is writing a children's book than one with more adult themes.

A I published La Casita, my first children’s book in 2012, and I have published four other kid’s books since then. What you might not know, Keith, is that I have translated 8 children’s books, including three by Guatemalan Nobelist Rigoberta Menchú, for the Canadian publisher Groundwood Books. Through this translation work, I went through a kind of apprenticeship. Obviously writing children’s books requires a different skill set than writing adult fiction. In all my work, I have been interested in how characters adjust and change, and how experience transforms their lives—this obsession is imbedded in me…It also helps that I have three daughters and five grandchildren.

Q.What was the relationship between you and Marta? Did the illustrations come first or did the words.

A. I was familiar with the children’s books that Marta did for Source Books, now the parent company of Duopress. Her illustrations for the books The Girl Who Heard the MusicDinosaur Lady and Shark Lady really impressed me: they are lyrical, expansive and very child oriented. I wrote the text and I was overjoyed when Mauricio said that Marta, who comes from a village close to Jose Andres’s birthplace, WANTED to illustrate my book, for obvious reasons. I am the beneficiary of her amazing talent.

Q. I can see on Facebook you have already taken the book into schools etc. How has it been received both in schools and in the media. 

A.It has been a wonderful experience to present the book, primarily in book store presentations. There is nothing greater than feeling the enthusiasm of young readers—their responses are always uncensored and quite electric. Younger kids respond more to the illustrations, but 7- and 8-year-olds understand the narrative that Marta has illustrated and ask quite interesting questions.

 Q.what are you working on now? Do you plan any more collaborations with Marta?

A.I have written a couple of other children’s book texts, but haven’t found a publisher. I would love to collaborate with Marta or with Marcela Calderón, the illustrator of my previous kid’s book called Topo pecoso/Moley Mole. Both are so talented, but publishers decide what is printed and who illustrates text.

The Logic of Zionism: From Nationalist Myth to the Gaza Genocide-David North-Mehring Books. February 26 2024 $9.99


“David North’s three lectures, delivered amidst the war, are a remarkably concise, historically informed, and politically devastating indictment of Zionism and the Israeli assault on Gaza.”

Charles Thorpe, Professor of Sociology, University of California, San Diego.

The lectures presented in this volume are not only a sharp Marxist analysis of the reactionary ideological and political foundations of Zionism, but they are also an antidote to poison and bile being spewed out by the capitalist media, who not only print lies and cover-up a genocide going on in Gaza, they label any opposition to the Israeli regime as being anti-Semitic.

As Charles Thorpe, Professor of Sociology University of California, San Diego, states, “David North’s three lectures, delivered amidst the war, are a remarkably concise, historically informed, and politically devastating indictment of Zionism and the Israeli assault on Gaza.” Thorpe is to be commended for raising his head above the parapet to defend a clear-sighted Marxist analysis presented by North and the ICFI(International Committee of the Fourth International).

It is not in the realm of this short review to cover everything contained in this excellent book. One of the most important aspects of the book has been to oppose the charge that any opposition to the Israeli regime is tantamount to antisemitism.

As North writes, “Ten years ago, I was barred from attending a seminar at Humboldt because I intended to challenge historian Robert Service’s falsifications and his use of antisemitic slurs. Now, the university, posturing as an irreconcilable opponent of antisemitism, forbids the inclusion of a reference to the Gaza genocide in the name of fighting antisemitism.

I recall this incident from the not-so-distant past because it exemplifies the cynicism, hypocrisy, demagogy and unrestrained lying that drives the campaign to discredit opposition to Israel’s onslaught against Gaza as “antisemitic.” The use of this slur has become a critical weapon in the efforts of Israel and its imperialist accomplices to intimidate and isolate all those who are protesting the genocide of Palestinians.

Suddenly, and from so many surprising quarters, warriors against antisemitism have emerged. Last week, in the United States, university presidents were summoned to Washington D.C. and questioned on their failure to suppress allegedly antisemitic protests on American college campuses. Leading the inquisitorial questioning was Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, a Republican from a district in New York State. She demanded to know why the presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other major universities were tolerating calls for “genocide”—which the congresswoman identifies as any student protest that demands an end to the apartheid regime that deprives Palestinians of their democratic rights.”[1]

From a personal viewpoint, the most fascinating aspect of North’s lecture at the Humboldt University in Berlin was his adding to the more well-known public personal background by producing a family history that is not only extraordinary but which North uses to counter the slanders that have come not only his way but the Trotskyist movement itself.

He writes, “I do not have any personal obligation to answer the claim that I and my comrades in the Trotskyist movement are antisemites. As the saying goes, my record speaks for itself. But, unfortunately, that is not generally true. The accusation of antisemitism requires the ignoring and distortion of a given individual’s political record. So I will, for the first time, respond to the accusation, by adding to my well-known public political record information relating to my background. Now, having reached a somewhat more advanced age, just a little more than a year away from what will be my 75th birthday, I think the time has come to do this. I do not do so because it will have any effect on the slanderers but because there are elements of my personal experience that may resonate with a younger generation and encourage them to intensify their struggle in defence of the Palestinians and against all forms of oppression.”

While the book stands independently in its meticulous research and erudition, North's book is not just a catalogue of the crimes of the Israeli regime, nor is it “Two Minutes of Hate”, which was the charge by an audience member at the London lecture given by North. It is a call to action, especially aimed at the young.

As David North declared in his third lecture, delivered in Berlin on December 14, 2023: “The ongoing war, for all its horrors, has made one significant political contribution. It has awakened the youth. It has opened the eyes of the world. It has exposed the Zionist regime and its imperialist accomplices for the criminals they are. It has set into motion a tidal wave of outrage that is sweeping across the world and will sweep across those responsible for this genocide”. Top of Form

The book deserves a wide readership. I would encourage all readers and non-readers of the World Socialist Web Site to buy the book.

[1] The Israeli state’s fascist ideology and the genocide in Gaza-

Wednesday 13 March 2024

José Feeds the World: How a Famous Chef Feeds Millions of People in Need Worldwide February 29 2024, by David Unger and illustrated by Marta Alvarez Miguéns.



David Unger’s new book is the true story of José Andrés, an award-winning chef, food activist, and founder of World Central Kitchen.[1] This disaster relief organisation helps working-class communities when catastrophe hits. Although primarily aimed at children, adult readers learn much from Unger's understated and thoughtful text.

The book is beautifully illustrated by Marta Alvarez Miguéns, a freelance illustrator based in La Coruña, Spain. Her previous works have included A Tiger Called Tomás, Dinosaur Lady and Shark Lady, which was named a Best STEM Book by the Children's Book Council and the National Science Teachers Association.

Jose Andres and his organisation are very busy at the moment. Every day, a new disaster, war, appears, coupled with the massive growth of world poverty and hunger. According to The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and World Health Organization (WHO), have reported that up to 828 million people, nearly 11 per cent of the world’s population, faced hunger in 2022. The number has grown by about 140 million since the start of the pandemic.

There is no doubt about Andres's sincerity and bravery in alleviating world hunger and poverty, saying, “What we’ve been able to do is weaponise empathy. Without empathy, nothing works.”.But the cruel reality is that Andres's work is insufficient to defeat world hunger and poverty.

Jean Shaoul writes, “World leaders are acutely aware of the repercussions of the spiralling cost of food as workers demand pay increases and take to the streets in protest over their deteriorating living conditions in rich and poor countries alike. But the fight for decent wages, affordable food, necessities and a massive increase in wages means that the working class must unite across workplaces, industries, countries and continents in a global political struggle against the capitalist class and its governments and to put an end to the imperialist war.”[2]




Friday 1 March 2024

Keeping the historical record and its historiography accurate

Almost a decade ago, in May, 2014, I was able to go to Trinity Hall in the University of Cambridge to hear John Walter of the University of Essex reflect on the development of his career from his time as an undergraduate in Cambridge, his period at the University of Pennsylvania and, subsequently, as an academic historian on the University of Essex’s campus in Wivenhoe. It was a privilege to be there and to hear him discuss the work of historians who had influenced him as well as the intellectual trajectory of his own studies. One thing, however, did strike me very forcibly on that occasion, namely, that no measures had been taken to record what he had said. That was a misfortune and a loss to future historians.

Since then, largely as a result of the deeply regrettable impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, many universities have adopted the practice of allowing their seminars to be accessible via the internet. I can sit in my small study overlooking the wood and river to the south of my house and watch a large number of historians delivering papers on their research and work to live audiences and to larger groups of postgraduates and historians online. This has made it possible for me to listen to and see major figures in my own field of early modern history, people like Nicholas Tyacke, John Morrill, Blair Worden, Keith Thomas, Alan Macfarlane, Richard Cust, Peter Lake and many others. I have also been able to sit in on papers given by younger historians, many of whom are likely to become significant players in the discipline in the years ahead.

Nonetheless, most of the seminars I have witnessed online have taken place in the United Kingdom at the Universities of Oxford and Reading or at the Institute of Historical Research in the University of London. It has been much more difficult to find such seminars in countries like Canada and the United States of America, in Australia or New Zealand or on the European continent. I have certainly become aware of a great deal of interesting research and writing being done in those places but seeing and hearing their work being discussed is much more of a problem. Perhaps, there may be those historians who can help on this issue out there.


Christopher Thompson

Sunday 25 February 2024

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Wordsworth Classics) Paperback – May 5 1992

  “It’s not all rubbish,” cried Amory passionately. “This is the first time in my life I’ve argued Socialism. It’s the only panacea I know. I’m restless. My whole generation is restless. I’m sick of a system where the richest man gets the most beautiful girl if he wants her, where the artist without an income has to sell his talents to a button manufacturer. Even if I had no talents, I’d not be content to work ten years, condemned to celibacy or a furtive indulgence, to give some man’s son an automobile.”

F Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise (1920)

“‘Her voice is full of money,’ he [Gatsby] said suddenly. That was it. I’d never understood before. It was full of money—that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals’ song of it. … high in a white palace, the king’s daughter, the golden girl. …”

The Great Gatsby

“Russia is your example of a beneficent violence, I suppose?” “Quite possibly,” admitted Amory. “Of course, it’s overflowing just as the French Revolution did, but I’ve no doubt it’s really a great experiment and worthwhile.”

The Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald’s superb novel is set in the summer of 1922. The plot is about a young man from the Midwest, Nick Carraway. Carraway sells bonds on Wall Street and lives on Long Island. As Fitzgerald points out, Carraway lives in a small house compared to the huge mansions surrounding him. The enigmatic Jay Gatsby owns one. Gatsby lives close to a philandering husband, Tom Buchanan, who represents older money to Gatsby’s new wealth. Gatsby has made his millions (through bootlegging and stock fraud in partnership with gangster Meyer Wolfsheim.

As the Marxist art critic David Walsh writes, “Fitzgerald’s work is a brilliant effort, easy to underestimate in its brevity, delicacy and the simplicity of the drama. The novel has something of the diaphanous sensibility of Keats, the author’s favourite poet. At the same time, it is an angry, scathing work, as thoroughgoing a debunking of the “American dream” as there ever has been”.

The Great Gatsby is a deceptive book. While it is only 146 pages long, it is an extraordinarily insightful look into the intellectual and social life of the top echelons of the American ruling elite during the first part of the 20th century.

 As Walsh writes, “ A novel is not a history book or a political manifesto. The important artist accumulates thoughts, feelings, moods and themes over the course of years and works them into concrete and coherent imagery charged with meaning. Any serious work also includes ambiguities, complexities, and “asymmetrical” elements that are not easily reducible to immediate social analysis. However, the individual artist does not draw his or her conceptions and emotions from empty space, nor are they simply the expression of eternal psycho-biological urges. Significant artistic ideas and representations are always shaped by collective human experience by historical and social development. Fitzgerald thought a good deal about political events and social life. His books and letters only have to be read carefully for that to become apparent. Born in 1896, the novelist belonged to a generation deeply affected by the First World War, the Russian Revolution and subsequent developments.”[1]

Fitzgerald's very subtle hints about the racist and fascist outlook of a section of the American bourgeoisie are dropped into the text like a bombshell.  One example is when Tom Buchanan talks about a book he has read called The Rise of the Colored Empires, “by this man Goddard.” He goes on: “The idea is if we don’t look out, the white race will be—will be utterly submerged. It’s all scientific stuff; it’s been proved.”Fitzgeralds' fictionalized reference is to Lothrop Stoddard’s The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy (1920). A deeply reactionary. Stoddard was a Nazi sympathizer and anti-communist who wrote “Bolshevism: The Heresy of the Underman” and “Social Unrest and Bolshevism in the Islamic World.”

Fitzgerald was not a Marxist or Communist, although he certainly knew his way around Marx’s great works such as Das Kapital Walsh writes, “One need not overestimate the references in Fitzgerald’s letters to “We Marxians…,” “I’m still a socialist …,” “I’m a Communist enough …”, to grasp the degree to which he knew his way around these issues.

The Great Gatsby works on many levels. Aside from being a great story, Gatsby is a stinging attack on the rich in America. In a line that could describe America's ruling elite today, Fitzgerald writes, “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made. …”




Monday 12 February 2024

The Dilemmas of Lenin: Terrorism, War, Empire, Love, Revolution-by Tariq Ali-Verso publications-2017

“Before 30, a revolutionary. After 30, a swine!”

French expression,

Gentlemen, we can neither ignore the history of the past nor create the future. I would like to warn you against the mistake that causes people to advance the hands of their clocks, thinking that thereby they are hastening the passage of time. My influence on the events I took advantage of is usually exaggerated, but it would never occur to anyone to demand that I should make history. I could not do that even in conjunction with you, although together, we could resist the whole world. We cannot make history; we must wait while it is being made. We will not make fruit ripen more quickly by subjecting it to the heat of a lamp, and if we pluck the fruit before it is ripe, we will only prevent its growth and spoil it.

Otto Von Bismark

“During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonise them, so to say, and to hallow their names to a certain extent for the “consolation” of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping the latter, while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarising it.”

― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, The State and Revolution

It has been one hundred years since the death of Vladimir Lenin. I had intended to mark the occasion with a review of one of his books. Therefore, I must apologise to my readership that I chose instead to review a book by such a political scoundrel and political opportunist of the worst sort.

Ali was born into a prominent family in Lahore. His uncle was the chief of Pakistan’s military intelligence. While studying at Oxford, he joined the International Marxist Group in 1968. The hallmark of the IMG was the British section of the Pabloite movement, a group specialising in political provocation.

Ali is Verso’s go-to man on anything connected with Lenin. This says more about Verso’s politics than it does about Ali. Given Ali's close association with Stalinism, he should not be allowed anywhere near Vladimir Lenin. Ali supported Gorbachev and Perestroika in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s.

He believed Perestroika was a great advance for socialism. He even dedicated his book Revolution From Above: Where Is the Soviet Union Going?, published in 1988, to Boris Yeltsin, who later presided over capitalist restoration in the USSR. He said of Yeltsin that his “political courage has made him an important symbol throughout the country and that “The scale of Gorbachev’s operation is, in fact, reminiscent of the efforts of an American president of the nineteenth century: Abraham Lincoln.”

The Dilemmas of Lenin contains no new research and a very limited insight into the mind and actions of Lenin. Ali is correct in saying that the Russian Revolution would not have happened without the brain of Lenin, as Ali points out in his introduction, “ First things first. Without Lenin, there would have been no socialist revolution in 1917. Of this much, we can be certain. Fresh studies of the events have only hardened this opinion. The faction and later the Party that he painstakingly created from 1903 onward was not up to the task of fomenting revolution during the crucial months between February and October 1917, the freest period ever in Russian history. A large majority of its leadership, before Lenin’s return, was prepared to compromise on many key issues. The lesson is that even a political party – specifically trained and educated to produce a revolution – can stumble, falter and fall at the critical moment.”[1]

Ali deals at length with the “Lenin cult and the attempt by the Stalinists to turn Lenin into a harmless liberal icon. Lenin believed this would happen to all the leaders of the Bolshevik party, writing, “During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonise them, so to say, and to hallow their names to a certain extent for the “consolation” of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping the latter, while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarising it.”[2]

While Ali deals with the early attack on Lenin’s revolutionary edge, his failure to examine more modern-day attempts to bury Lenin under many dead dogs is unforgivable and hard to understand. However, when one starts to investigate Ali’s political trajectory, only one conclusion can be drawn: Ali has no interest in defending Lenin’s “revolutionary edge”. The only ones interested in re-establishing Lenin’scontemprary importance are the Trotskyists of the International Committee of the Fourth International(ICFI).

In a two-part Series, the Marxist David North defends Lenin’s revolutionary edge from the blunt blade of Professor Sean McMeekin. McMeekin wrote an article for the New York Times in which he accused Lenin, amongst other things, of being a German Spy.[3] His article was based on his 2017 book The Russian Revolution: A New History, which North said” cannot be described as a work of history because McMeekin lacks the necessary level of knowledge, professional competence and respect for facts. McMeekin’s book is simply an exercise in anti-communist propaganda from which no one will learn anything.”[4]

He continued, “Why did he write the book? Aside from the lure of easy money (anti-communist works are usually launched with substantial publicity and guaranteed positive reviews in the New York Times and many other publications), McMeekin has a political motive. At the start of this year, the World Socialist Web Site wrote: “A spectre is haunting world capitalism: the spectre of the Russian Revolution.” McMeekin is among the haunted. He writes in the book’s epilogue, “The Specter of Communism,” that capitalism is threatened by growing popular discontent, and the appeal of Bolshevism is again on the rise. “Like the nuclear weapons born of the ideological age inaugurated in 1917, the sad fact about Leninism is that once invented, it cannot be uninvented. Social inequality will always be with us, along with the well-intentioned impulse of socialists to eradicate it.” Therefore, “the Leninist inclination is always lurking among the ambitious and ruthless, especially in desperate times of depression or war that seem to call for more radical solutions.” McMeekin continues: “If the last hundred years teach us anything, we should stiffen our defences and resist armed prophets promising social perfection.” [5]

In some ways, Ali and McMeekin are two sides of the same coin. Both attempt to bury Lenin's revolutionary struggle, his true legacy and contemporary importance. The only organisation on the planet that can truly celebrate and thank Lenin for his insight and revolutionary struggle and bring him to a new audience is the orthodox Marxists of the ICFI.




[2] ― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, The State and Revolution

[3] Was Lenin a German Agent?By Sean Mcmeekin-June 19, 2017-

[4] Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders (Part I)-

[5] Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders (Part I)-