Sunday 30 July 2023

Indomitable Revolutionary: Duncan Hallas, A Tribute-By Alex Callinicos John Rudge Laura Miles Dave Sherry Sheila McGregor Jack Robertson Price: £12.00

"When the representatives of the opposition raised the hue and cry that the ‘leadership is bankrupt,' ‘the prognoses did not turn out to be correct,' ‘the events caught us unawares,' ‘it is necessary to change our slogans,' all this without the slightest effort to think the questions through seriously, they appeared fundamentally as party defeatists."

Leon Trotsky

“Trotsky’s assassination ranks among the most politically consequential crimes of the 20th century, with far-reaching implications for the international working class and the world socialist movement. And yet, for decades, the circumstances surrounding the assassination remained shrouded in secrecy. The massive scale of the Stalinist conspiracy against Trotsky was the subject of a carefully orchestrated cover-up.”

Duncan Hallas, along with Tony Cliff and 30 others, was a founder-member in the 1950s of a small, anti-Trotskyist political group, which was the forerunner of the current Socialist Workers’ Party (Britain),

This book, published some twenty years after his death, contains a selection of his writings freely available on the Marxist Internet Archive[1] and includes sections written by others about Hallas and his ideas.

Hallas was well thought of inside the SWP. Alex Callinicos wrote in an obituary: “Not for Duncan the abstractions and obscurities of academic Marxism. He wrote plain English, punctuated by short, pithy sentences.” And Paul Foot said, "He was the most coherent socialist I ever knew, whether he was writing or speaking.”

Given Hallas’s popularity, it is perhaps a little perplexing why the SWP waited twenty years to publish this book. The clue may be that it contains many attacks on the Socialist Labour League, the British section of The International Committee of the Fourth International(ICFI). It would not have gone unnoticed inside the SWP that today the ICFI, through its publication The World Socialist Website(, has undergone a massive increase in its influence and is, by far, the most widely read Marxist-socialist internet-based publication worldwide. The total number of WSWS pages viewed in 2022 was 25,995,248. During the first month of this new year, the World Socialist Web Site recorded 1,882,673 page views.

If Hallas were alive today, he undoubtedly would have authored an attack on the ICFI as he did on previous occasions. Unlike many in the SWP, Hallas was unafraid to get his hands dirty and wrote several unprincipled attacks on the ICFI, particularly the Socialist Labour League. Many of these articles were written not only during an upsurge in the working class but saw an increase in the influence of the Trotskyist movement worldwide.

Hallas’s first attack on the Socialist Labour League came in 1969. His article was called Building the Leadership -“Orthodox Trotskyism” and the Political Roots of the Socialist Labour League[2].

He writes, “ The Socialist Labour League (SLL) is noted on the British Left for the activism of its members and its sharp hostility to all other political organisations. The sectarianism of the League (for example, its refusal to participate in the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign) and the lengthy polemics carried by its press against more or less obscure “revisionists” are well known. So are the complaints of ex-members of the organisation's allegedly bureaucratic and authoritarian internal regime. But the most characteristic features are the extreme emphasis the SLL places on the twin themes of “leadership” and “betrayal” together with constant predictions of the imminence of catastrophic economic crisis. The SLL claims to be the embodiment of “orthodox Trotskyism”. The claim has considerable justification. The League’s present policies are rooted in the Transitional Programme of the Fourth International. Its errors arise from the attempt to apply this analysis to a world situation in which it is irrelevant or false.”

Hallas’s article contains nothing new. It is a rehash of old Stalinist lies under a pseudo-left guise. Hallas inadvertently shows the SWP up for what it is an anti-Marxist and anti-Trotskyist organisation that is wedded to the Labour and Trade Union bureaucracy. The article attacks every basic Marxist concept Leon Trotsky fought for, from the Transitional Programme and the Permanent Revolution to the class nature of the Soviet Union. Trotsky’s designation of the first worker's state as a Degenerated Workers’ State was rejected, and in its place was Tony Cliff’s State capitalism theory which Hallas completely agreed with.

Trotsky opposed the conception that the USSR represented a variety of "state capitalism" or a ruling class of a new type. He wrote, "The class has an exceptionally important and moreover a scientifically restricted meaning to a Marxist. A class is defined not by its participation in the distribution of national income alone but by its independent role in the general structure of the economy and by its independent roots in the economic foundations of society. The bureaucracy lacks all these social traits. It has no independent position in the process of production and distribution. It has no independent property roots. Its functions relate basically to the political technique of class rule”.[3]

As an article by the Marxist writer Peter Daniels points out, Cliff’s theory was hardly original,  “Cliff developed his version of the theory of Soviet state capitalism in 1948. He added little to the arguments made in favour of the theory years earlier. As far as Cliff was concerned, the destruction of the Soviets and the loss of political power by the working class meant that the ruling bureaucracy, presiding over the rapid industrialisation of the First Five-Year Plan, had been transformed into a ruling class of state capitalists. As we discussed briefly, Trotsky had answered these arguments many years earlier. Cliff never explained how the ruling caste, with no right of inheritance and no special property relations, had become a ruling class. Cliff's abandonment of the theory of the degenerated workers' state had a definite political significance. It represented a capitulation to the ideological and political pressure of "democratic" capitalism in response to the difficulties faced by the revolutionary movement.

Just as Shachtman had adapted to the moods among petty-bourgeois intellectuals at the time of the Hitler-Stalin Pact in 1939, Cliff and his supporters adapted to the pressures of the Cold War. Quite simply, they found it too difficult and uncomfortable to defend Marxism in the face of the anti-Communist campaign of this period. Only the genuine Trotskyists were able, as Cannon put it so well in The Open Letter, to fight imperialism without capitulating to Stalinism and to fight Stalinism, in the final analysis, a petty bourgeois agency of imperialism, without capitulating to imperialism.”[4]

As was said earlier, Hallas completely agreed with Cliff’s attack on Leon Trotsky. Hallas‘s book Trotsky's Marxism 1979 further elaborates the SWP’s bitter hostility towards Trotsky and the very founding of the Fourth International.

Hallas’s book contains so many attacks on Trotsky and Trotskyism it is hard to know where to begin. As Daniels writes, “One could not ask for a more explicit repudiation of Marxism. His outlook sums up the "tactical opportunism" of the state capitalists. Seeking to root themselves in the British working class based on partial demands, not an international program, is how they have functioned all these decades. "Rank-and-files" and collaboration with the bureaucracy in the trade unions; single-issue middle-class protest as in their Anti-Nazi League of the 1970s and 1980s; collaboration today with Tommy Sheridan and Scottish nationalism, and with George Galloway in the Respect electoral coalition”.

While it is impossible to cover every rotten attack by Hallas mentioned in the book and elsewhere, it would be amiss of me not to highlight and oppose the scurrilous attack made by Hallas and the SWP on the ICFI’s Security and the Fourth International investigation. In an article published in 1985 entitled Workers Revolutionary Party Cult comes a cropper[5]. Hallas writes, “The loving up to various dictators in the Middle East, the ‘imminent danger of Bonapartist police dictatorship in Britain, the grotesque Security and the Fourth International campaign – aimed at the now deceased Joseph Hansen and the SWP US.

In 1975, the International Committee of the Fourth International launched the first systematic investigation by the Trotskyist movement into the assassination. This investigation, known as Security and the Fourth International, exposed the network of GPU and American intelligence agents within the Fourth International that ensured the success of Stalin’s conspiracy against Trotsky’s life and facilitated state surveillance in the following decades. The investigation was bitterly opposed by Pabloite and pseudo-left organisations, like the Socialist Workers PartyUK, which denounced the exposure of spies inside the Trotskyist movement as “agent-baiting.” This has remained their position, even though state intelligence documents released following the dissolution of the Soviet Union confirmed the findings of the International Committee and vindicated Security and the Fourth International.[6]

Indomitable Revolutionary by Duncan Hallas is not only a worthless book. It contains numerous attacks not just on Leon Trotsky but on the heritage of Trotskyism, in Britain and worldwide. Therefore, I have included a list of books that should be consulted when examining the heritage we defend.


Further Reading

The Heritage We Defend: Contribution to the History of the Fourth International Paperback – 1 Dec. 1988 by David North

Leon Trotsky and the Struggle for Socialism in the Twenty-First Century-David North

The Revolution Betrayed-Leon Trotsky

Security and the Fourth International-ICFI-Mehring Books

Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement-Eric London

How the WRP Betrayed Trotskyism-1973 — 1985 -Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International





[2] International Socialism (1st series), No.40, October/November 1969, pp.25-32. Marxists’ Internet Archive.

[3] The Class Natureof the Soviet State (October 1, 1933)-


[4] The Revolution Betrayed and the fate of the Soviet Union

Peter Daniels-

[5]From Socialist Review, No. 82, December 1985, p. 25.

Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Marxists’ Internet Archive.
