Monday 7 August 2023

Diary of a Nobody

The blog reached a significant milestone last month, registering over 8000-page hits. The previous six months have seen a general rise in interest in the blog And the website. The end of the year should see the overall total of hits during the lifetime of the blog reach around half a million.

Projects Old and New

Although I will continue to write articles for the blog/website, during my holiday, I will be looking at reworking previous unfinished projects. The first update is a master's dissertation, Oliver Cromwell, the Levellers and the Putney Debates 1647. Secondly, work to complete the Raphael Samuel Book. Thirdly a new edition of my Why I Write a book with increased contributors. Lastly, to start research for a short biography of the historian Christopher Hill. All these books/projects will be self-published using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing because no self-respecting publisher has ever published anything by an orthodox Marxist.

New Books

The Letters, Writings, and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell: Volume 1-3 Hardcover

Maimonides: Faith in Reason (Jewish Lives) Hardcover – 6 May 2023 Manguel  Alberto

Osip Mandelstam a new biography-Ralph Dutii

Island Brigaders Liam Turbett

The Invention of Marxism-C Morina

The Forgotten Appeasement of 1920-A Nowak

 Leon Trotsky and the Struggle for Socialism in the Twenty-First Century-David North

New Articles

The next article for my website will be a review of the book Indomitable Revolutionary: Duncan Hallas, A Tribute By Dave Sherry, Jack Robertson, Sheila McGregor, Laura Miles, Alex Callinicos, John Rudge   Price: £12.00

A polemic commenting on the BBC Magazine article on Is History History. ( See- American Historical Association president issues grovelling apology after racialist social media attack-Tom Mackaman)

  Other Media

An interview with economic historian Stephen Wheatcroft on the Soviet famine and historical falsification-

New Left Review July-August-Eric Hobsbawm Society New and Old