Tuesday 2 April 2024

The Logic of Zionism: From Nationalist Myth to the Gaza Genocide-David North-Mehring Books. February 26 2024 $9.99


“David North’s three lectures, delivered amidst the war, are a remarkably concise, historically informed, and politically devastating indictment of Zionism and the Israeli assault on Gaza.”

Charles Thorpe, Professor of Sociology, University of California, San Diego.

The lectures presented in this volume are not only a sharp Marxist analysis of the reactionary ideological and political foundations of Zionism, but they are also an antidote to poison and bile being spewed out by the capitalist media, who not only print lies and cover-up a genocide going on in Gaza, they label any opposition to the Israeli regime as being anti-Semitic.

As Charles Thorpe, Professor of Sociology University of California, San Diego, states, “David North’s three lectures, delivered amidst the war, are a remarkably concise, historically informed, and politically devastating indictment of Zionism and the Israeli assault on Gaza.” Thorpe is to be commended for raising his head above the parapet to defend a clear-sighted Marxist analysis presented by North and the ICFI(International Committee of the Fourth International).

It is not in the realm of this short review to cover everything contained in this excellent book. One of the most important aspects of the book has been to oppose the charge that any opposition to the Israeli regime is tantamount to antisemitism.

As North writes, “Ten years ago, I was barred from attending a seminar at Humboldt because I intended to challenge historian Robert Service’s falsifications and his use of antisemitic slurs. Now, the university, posturing as an irreconcilable opponent of antisemitism, forbids the inclusion of a reference to the Gaza genocide in the name of fighting antisemitism.

I recall this incident from the not-so-distant past because it exemplifies the cynicism, hypocrisy, demagogy and unrestrained lying that drives the campaign to discredit opposition to Israel’s onslaught against Gaza as “antisemitic.” The use of this slur has become a critical weapon in the efforts of Israel and its imperialist accomplices to intimidate and isolate all those who are protesting the genocide of Palestinians.

Suddenly, and from so many surprising quarters, warriors against antisemitism have emerged. Last week, in the United States, university presidents were summoned to Washington D.C. and questioned on their failure to suppress allegedly antisemitic protests on American college campuses. Leading the inquisitorial questioning was Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, a Republican from a district in New York State. She demanded to know why the presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other major universities were tolerating calls for “genocide”—which the congresswoman identifies as any student protest that demands an end to the apartheid regime that deprives Palestinians of their democratic rights.”[1]

From a personal viewpoint, the most fascinating aspect of North’s lecture at the Humboldt University in Berlin was his adding to the more well-known public personal background by producing a family history that is not only extraordinary but which North uses to counter the slanders that have come not only his way but the Trotskyist movement itself.

He writes, “I do not have any personal obligation to answer the claim that I and my comrades in the Trotskyist movement are antisemites. As the saying goes, my record speaks for itself. But, unfortunately, that is not generally true. The accusation of antisemitism requires the ignoring and distortion of a given individual’s political record. So I will, for the first time, respond to the accusation, by adding to my well-known public political record information relating to my background. Now, having reached a somewhat more advanced age, just a little more than a year away from what will be my 75th birthday, I think the time has come to do this. I do not do so because it will have any effect on the slanderers but because there are elements of my personal experience that may resonate with a younger generation and encourage them to intensify their struggle in defence of the Palestinians and against all forms of oppression.”

While the book stands independently in its meticulous research and erudition, North's book is not just a catalogue of the crimes of the Israeli regime, nor is it “Two Minutes of Hate”, which was the charge by an audience member at the London lecture given by North. It is a call to action, especially aimed at the young.

As David North declared in his third lecture, delivered in Berlin on December 14, 2023: “The ongoing war, for all its horrors, has made one significant political contribution. It has awakened the youth. It has opened the eyes of the world. It has exposed the Zionist regime and its imperialist accomplices for the criminals they are. It has set into motion a tidal wave of outrage that is sweeping across the world and will sweep across those responsible for this genocide”. Top of Form

The book deserves a wide readership. I would encourage all readers and non-readers of the World Socialist Web Site to buy the book.

[1] The Israeli state’s fascist ideology and the genocide in Gaza-https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/12/19/pers-d19.html