Sunday 8 September 2024

Diary of a Nobody

In the last few months, I have been to the archive at Bishopsgate near Liverpool St. My archive is being held there, and I have begun cataloguing items there. Most of the Archive is taken up with my notebooks from my website and blog. On My next visit I shall bring five boxes of internal documents from the ICFI dating from 1984-2008. These will be closed documents, and viewing will be at the discretion of chief archivist Stef Dickers, myself and a consultation with the British section of the IC.

There are some gems from my time in the WRP(Workers Revolutionary Party. I have the proof copy of One Long Night by Maria Joffe –a devastating first-hand account of Stalin’s labour camps. Maria Joffe, widow of leading Bolshevik Adolf Joffe and, with him, a prominent member of the Trotskyist opposition to Stalinism, survived 29 years in prison camps in the Soviet Union. This book came curtesy of Vanessa Redgrave after she left the WRP and sold her library for next to nothing. Suffice it to say my library increased that day. I should donate to the movement. Maybe next time there will be a meeting in London.

My workload regarding my website and blog has increased exponentially. Both reading and research have increased over the last few months. I had intended to write only once on the Carnival, but I need to answer Diane Abbott's recent piece in the Guardian. Her main contention is that while it is bad, two people got killed at Carnival, it is too big and important. People have the democratic right to dance. Even a few murders now and again are not going to stop it. So what if 76 people were deliberately burnt to death nearby? Carnival is too important to be stopped.

It was great catching up with Pam Livesey a few weeks ago. Pam visited with her daughter Evie to see Taylor Swift in London. In a meeting with her, she agreed to write some articles for the website. Hence, a new page was created for her.

I am working on a few book reviews at the moment. The first, which should be published next week, is a review of John Rees’s new book Marxism and the English Revolution. As you can imagine, this will take a little while as it contains stuff that needs more research than normal. The next book review will be John Kelly’s The Twilight World of World Trotskyism. I am in for a wretched time if this is anything like his previous attempt at criticising Trotskyism. I reviewed his last book.

As the Marxist writer David North Points out, “This is not the time and place for a detailed response to Mr. Kelly, but two points must be made. While sarcastically dismissing the failure of the Trotskyist movement to lead a socialist revolution, Kelly ignores the counter-revolutionary actions, frequently involving murderous violence, taken by the mass Stalinist and social democratic party and trade union organisations in alliance with the state to isolate and destroy the Trotskyist movement and defend the capitalist system. Kelly pretends the Trotskyist movement conducted its revolutionary work in ideal laboratory conditions.

The second point, actually a question, is this: What are the great political successes achieved by those organisations and their leaders that are engaged in what Kelly calls “serious”, i.e., non-revolutionary politics? Mr. Kelly informs his readers that he was a member of the British Communist Party during the 1980s. What were the great and lasting achievements of this party, which was implicated in every crime and betrayal carried out by the Stalinist regime in the Kremlin from the 1920s until the catastrophic dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991?[1]

Recent Book Purchases

1.    The Twilight of World Trotskyism-John Kelly

2.    Marxism and the English Revolution John Rees

3.    On Tocqueville-A Ryan

4.    The Tyranny of Merit-M Sandel

5.    The Levellers-G Robertson

6.    Pablo Neruda-The Complete Memoirs- Neruda was a loyal follower of Stalin; he even collaborated in the plot to assassinate Leon Trotsky in Mexico City in August 1940. See Evidence presented in the 1973 murder of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda-

7.    A Collection of Essays-George Orwell

8.    Marxism and the Party-J Molyneux

9.    Revolutionary Spring-C Clarke

10. Capitalist Realism-M Fisher

11. A Life in politics-Paul Foot. M Renn

12. Dear Oliver-S Barry

13. Hitler's People-R Evans